Zum Inhalt
Fakultät Maschinenbau
Abteilung Zerspanung

Youssef Alammari M.Sc. (PhD Stipendiat)



Institut für Spanende Fertigung
Technische Universität Dortmund
Baroper Straße 303
44227 Dortmund


MB III Raum 2.021


0231 755-5814



Portrait von Youssef Alammari © ISF


  • Werkzeugentwicklung
  • Bearbeitung von schwerzerspanbaren Werkstoffen
  • Prozessdynamik

Weitere In­for­ma­ti­onen

A. Zabel, J. Saelzer, S. Elgeti, Y. Alammari, S. Berger und D. Biermann
Fundamental tribological effects in lubricated cutting processes
CIRP Annals (2023) DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2023.04.045

Alammari, Y.; Saelzer, J.; Berger, S.; Iovkov, I.; Biermann, D.
Initial Period of Chip Formation: Observations Towards Enhancing Machining Sustainability.
Kohl, H., Seliger, G., Dietrich, F. (eds) Manufacturing Driving Circular Economy. GCSM 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28839-5_22

Malakizadi, A.; Saelzer, J.; Berger, S.; Alammari, Y; Biermann, D.;
A physics-based constitutive model for machining simulation of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy
Procedia CIRP, 117 (2023), 335-340. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2023.03.057

Iovkov, I.; Hensler, U.; Wolf, T.; Alammari, Y.; Saelzer, J.; Bücker, M.; Zabel, A.; Biermann, D.;
Optimierte Hartmetallwerkzeuge im Fokus der Nachhaltigkeit
maschinenbau, Das Schweizer Industriemagazin, Nr. 8 (2022), S. 8-11

Iovkov, I.;  Saelzer, J.; Alammari, Y.; Bücker, M.; Wolf, T.; Biermann, D.
Ressourcenschonender Einsatz von Hartmetallwerkzeugen für die energieeffiziente Zerspanung
Pulvermetallurgie – nachhaltige Lösungen und neue Märkte, Tagungsband 39.Hagener Symposium, Fachverband Pulvermetallurgie (2021), S.293-318, Fachbeitrag mit wissenschaftlicher Qualitätssicherung

Alammari, Y.; Iovkov, I.; Saelzer, J.; Wolf, T.; Biermann, D.
Adhesion of Inconel 718 on Uncoated Tungsten Carbide Inserts in Interrupted Orthogonal Machining under MQL
Procedia CIRP, 103 (2021), S. 194-199, ISSN 2212-8271, doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.10.031

Saelzer, J.; Alammari, Y.; Zabel, A.; Biermann, D.; Lee, J.; Elgeti, S.
Characterisation and modelling of friction depending on the tool topography and the intermediate medium
Procedia CIRP, 102 (2021), S. 435-440, doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.09.074

Alammari, Y.; Iovkov, I.; Berger, S.; Saelzer, J.; Biermann, D.
Adhesion area estimation using backscatter image gray level masking of uncoated tungsten carbide tools
Wear, (2021), doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2021.203666

Alammari, Y.; Sanati, M.; Freiheit, T.; Park, S. S.;
Investigation of Boring Bar Dynamics for Chatter Suppression
Procedia Manuf., vol. 1, pp. 768–778, (2015), doi: 10.1016/j.promfg.2015.09.059.

Alammari, Y.
Chatter Suppression in Boring Operations through Altering Tool Dynamics
(2016), doi: dx.doi.org/10.11575/PRISM/25311.

Sanati, M.; Alammari, Y.; Ko, J. H.; Park, S. S.
Identification of joint dynamics in lap joints
Arch. Appl. Mech., vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 99–113, Jan. (2017), doi: 10.1007/s00419-016-1179-8.

Sakthivel, R.; Mahroogi, F. O.; Narayan, S.; Abudbaker, S.; Kaisan, M. U.; Alammari, Y.
Introduction to Automotive Engineering
John Wiley & Sons, (2019). ISBN: 978-1-119-47980-2

Zabel, A.; Saelzer, J.; Elgeti, S.; Alammari, Y.; Berger, S.; Biermann, D.:
Fundamental tribological effects in lubricated cutting processes.
72nd CIRP General Assembly, 20-26.08.2023, Dublin (Irland)

Malakizadi, A.; Saelzer, J.; Berger, S.; Alammari, Y; Biermann, D.;
A physics-based constitutive model for machining simulation of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy
19th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations (CIRP CMMO 2023), Karlsruhe

Alammari, Y.; Saelzer, J.; Berger, S.; Iovkov, I.; Biermann, D.
Initial Period of Chip Formation: Observations towards Enhancing Machining Sustainability
18th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM 2022), 05-07.10.2022, TU Berlin (IWF), Berlin

Iovkov, I.;  Saelzer, J.; Alammari, Y.; Bücker, M.; Wolf, T.; Biermann, D.
Ressourcenschonender Einsatz von Hartmetallwerkzeugen für die energieeffiziente Zerspanung
39. Hagener Symposium – Pulvermetallurgie – nachhaltige Lösungen und neue Märkte, 25-26.11.2021, Hagen

Saelzer, J.; Alammari, Y.; Zabel, A.; Biermann, D.; Lee, J.; Elgeti, S.
Characterisation and modelling of friction depending on the tool topography and the intermediate medium
18th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CIRP CMMO 2021), 15-17.06.2021, Online

Alammari, Y.; Iovkov, I.; Saelzer, J.; Wolf, T.; Biermann, D.
Adhesion of Inconel 718 on Uncoated Tungsten Carbide Inserts in Interrupted Orthogonal Machining under MQL
9th global web conference (CIRPe 2021), 26-28.10.2021, Online

Alammari, Y.; Iovkov, I.; Berger, S.; Saelzer, J.; Biermann, D.
Adhesion area estimation using backscatter image gray level masking of uncoated tungsten carbide tools
23rd International Conference on Wear of Materials, 29.04.2021, Online

Alammari, Y.; Sanati, M.; Freiheit, T.; Park, S. S.
Investigation of Boring Bar Dynamics for Chatter Suppression
43rd North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC 43), 08-12.06.2015, UNC Charlotte, North Carolina, United States