Zum Inhalt
Fakultät Maschinenbau
Abteilung Simulations- und Prozessentwicklung

Raphael Isaak Elias Schönecker M.Sc.



Institut für Spanende Fertigung
Technische Universität Dortmund
Baroper Straße 303
44227 Dortmund


MB III Raum 2.012


0231 755-2113



Porträt von Raphael Schoenecker © ISF



  • Fräsbearbeitung
  • Prozessentwicklung und-optimierung

Weitere In­for­ma­ti­onen

Schönecker, R.I.E.; Baumann, J.; Garcia Carballo, R.; Biermann, D.
Fundamental Investigation of the Application Behavior and Stabilization Potential of Milling Tools with Structured Flank Faces on the Minor Cutting Edges
Journal of Manufacturing and Material Processing 8 (2024) 2, S. 174, https://doi.org/10.3390/jmmp8040174

Finkeldey, F.; Schönecker, R.; Biermann, D.; Wiederkehr, P.
Clustering approach for improving model-based analyses of milling operations
18th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, 10.-12.7.2024, Gulf of Naples, Italy

Schönecker, R.I.E.; Baumann, J.; Garcia Carballo, R.; Biermann, D.
Fundamental Investigation of the Application Behavior and Stabilization Potential of Milling Tools with Structured Flank Faces on the Minor Cutting Edges
20th International Conference on Machine Design and Production – UMTIK 2024, 14.–17.8.2024, Ankara, Turkey