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Investigations of the dressing process of thermally sprayed abrasive coatings

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Cold gas spraying has shown great potential in the production of grinding tools. In this process, cubic boron nitride (cBN) is mixed with cooper and sprayed onto a subtract to create abrasive coatings. This research focuses on developing tailored cBN-metal composite coatings and qualifying them for grinding operations. A key aspect of this research project is optimizing the preparation process based on the unique properties of the cBN-metal composite coating and the dressing tools.

Within the scope of the work, dressing and grinding processes will be analyzed by means of experimental investigations in a developed analogy test in order to determine the interactions and the influence of the process parameters.

This work enables …

  • Insights into grinding machining
  • Hands-on experience in experimental test operations
  • Proficiency in using modern machine tools and measuring equipment
  • Industry-relevant process analysis skills

This work is suitable for...

  • for students of mechanical engineering or industrial engineering
  • for students interested in practical experimental work